10+1th Joy…
They say that behind every great man, there is a woman. Apologies…but I’m not a believer of that particular thought. So allow me to modify it a little bit for you. Here it goes…behind every good deed, there is a reason, an inspiration, a melody, a determination and the cause for all this need not always be a woman. I have been fortunate enough to have two very wonderful people who pulled me out of the pit (ok…now don’t take it in the literal sense).
Thank you guys!
My attempt at thanking you might result in the release of a whole array of clichés like first drop of rain on the parched land, or the April shower which sees the first bud sprout…blah… blah… blah… Don’t start thinking so highly of yourself already
Let me finish my speech.
I know that both of you would be reading this. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to two wonderful people who have been really nice to me.
Wow…there she comes! (As I’m actually banging my keys) She gives me that signature smile unaware of what I’m up to. She is the critic from my ‘launch-a-book-and-get-a-critic-free’ phrase. But it’s not always that one is privileged to get a critic who has a 1000 watt smile. The girl with the loveliest, prettiest, messiest and curliest curls in my hostel, she can light up a room in case of half hour blackout (which is quite common in my hostel). Bonding over books and movies (but largely arguing though…lol) usually during times when we wait for one occupant to vacate the bathroom while the other is busy filling the bucket with hot water for shower. You’ve become every 10+1th reason for one of the little pleasures I take from life.
There pops up my chat box with him n the smiley. God alone knows what nick I’d be getting today, the list being endless…Sparky, Smiles, MJ, Miss Swan,Piano keys n a lot more to add to the directory of neetha’s nicks. To be very frank, this is the highest list of nicks that I have gathered in the shortest time. Whoa!!! He loves his Eleanor but still finds time for literally shattered souls. His attempts at motivating me had may have all turned futile with my stubborn resolve. And yes one day I might even learn to speak flawless, acceptable-in-your-standards Malayalam. Thank you so much for bringing back the joy.
And before I wind this up, do I need to mention how much my PC (it’s beyond words to express) has contributed to everything. sarang eyo…
the gal seems so interesting neetha...than the guy..;)my humble request is dont miss the chance to treat her. u rarely chances, u know...
ReplyDeleteI had heard that numbers do talk at times...now I know that it is "a true"... :D
ReplyDeleteTake that 10+1 = 12-1 = 11 = levin ;)
Well-written neetha...for this I'll give you a treat... :D