Neverland bound...
You may wonder why my blog is called Neverland bound. Well...this is not a lift from Mr. Jackson's (May his soul rest in peace) infamous ranch.
This is my picture of the superlative world…my utopia. Neverland is the world which was once inhabited by Peter Pan, the boy who never grew and the Lost Boys. A world where one lived with a content heart, where one exults in the hand offered by fate, where one lives a life whose innocence embraces all that is good, where the thoughts speak and the hearts listen. In Henrik Ibsen’s words:
‘Our wants were never allowed to outrun our means- we had no longing that foundered on the rocks of circumstance; and the hand of death didn’t visit our circle to bring emptiness and loss. We loved beauty, and it wasn’t a side-issue, it coloured our whole way of life.’
In this dysfunctional world, it was my make believe idea to hope for the best, to draw some inspiration in an age that has disowned virtue , to fearlessly find my own paths, to find sufficient courage in making mistakes. In the world that I frequent, this is my heaven concealed within hell…a picture that will always be coloured and treasured in my heart…
But before drawing conclusion about the idea behind the name, it was purely confusion and bewilderment that led me to name my blog ‘neverland bound’. I was lost when it came to naming my blog. Totally and utterly drained of anything close to what we term ‘creativity’, this was plight that I found myself in…heading for some place I didn’t know existed. Before I drain the creativity of anyone who is reading this
(that is if there is absolutely anyone!), let me give all of you some peace of mind. Cheers…
so that sheds some light on the name which would have otherwise hinted at the departed pop king's kingdom... ;) which the last time i checked is not a good place to go... :D
ReplyDeleteand btw, you have johnny depp and kate winslet for company in "finding neverland" :)